After obtaining your university entrance diploma, you now face important decisions. I can help you to discover your affinities and potential, to set your personal focus in the wide range of degree courses available or find the national or international university that best meets your requirements.
„Every young person is a promise to the future“
Dear parents, dear High School Graduates:
As a psychologist, but also as the mother of a first-year student, I know how hard it is to decide on the right degree course or training after obtaining your university entrance diploma. Choosing from the sheer infinite number of possibilities and taking the one decision that may well influence your entire life can be overwhelming for many adolescents and may even have paralyzing effects. Worrying about their further educational and professional development often casts a cloud over the relationship between parents and adolescents.
Targeted coaching and the outside perspective can prove helpful in this critical stage of development. My goal at all times is to encourage young people to see and unlock their full potential. In the process, I can draw on over 30 years of experience in personnel development, adult education and the qualification of adolescents.
Yours sincerely,
Irene Krapp
Consultation can facilitate the decision-making process …
- Finding your way through the increasing number of degree courses and training programs
- Discovering and comparing the qualities of different universities and schools
- Discovering your own talents and potential, making a realistic appraisal
- Categorizing and weighing your interests
- Closing the gap between your expectations and those of your parents
- Making your dreams come true, while questioning whether your chosen course will really lead to the desired result.
The consultation process
In a joint orientation session with the parents and the High School Graduate, we work together to define the goal of the consultation.
The follow-up appointments with the High School Graduates are based on their individual requirements. These are some examples of possible topics:
- Comparison of different degree courses
- Creating a profile of your strengths and weaknesses
- Identifying your special talents
- Researching alternatives, for instance combined vocational training and degree program, international degree course, qualified jobs, gap year, etc.
- Training for interviews
- Writing a CV and cover letter
We will develop a sustainable strategy during the final session with both parents and High School Graduates. If needed, I can continue to provide direct support, e.g. for cover letters.
Network of experts
In some cases, for instance specific talent analyses, it may be advisable to call on the expertise of colleagues. I have built up a network of qualified specialists (including psychologists and school counselors), with whom I have been collaborating successfully for many years.